
Propel innovation. Make it open source.


Full Description

Our goal is to organize the open source hardware community. By nature, makers, hackers, and others like us have no desire to organize and pull efforts together. Our culture possesses the knowledge and skills to change the world, but we are not organized to the point that we can communicate and help each other. This is your community, and together
We will learn

We will collaborate

We will innovate

We will change the world

We give props to what others are doing: Raspberry Pi, Arduino, Adafruit, Hack A Day, etc. Like them, we will collaborate on open source awesomeness. We want to share our projects with sites like these, but this is only part of what we want to do.

This is a community where everyone can learn, including students of all ages, experienced makers and hackers, experts in the field, and even old farts who want to help their grandchildren make something awesome. We will learn new techniques to mentor the next generation of problem solvers. Most of all, we will propel innovation at the grassroots level.

This is just the start. You can check out our project forum and explore the existing projects, create a new project, or join a project that someone else has created. Recruit other members with skills you are lacking so you can complete your project. Advertise your skillset to help others bring their creations to life. Let the community know what new skills you have not been able to master, or that you want to learn. We want our members to reach out so everyone can master these new skills.

This is the first phase of PiMios, and obviously there’s a lot more on the way. We want to provide an open source hardware community that best suits you, built with your input. This is not the generic community that we built with our own limited imagination, thinking that it’s best for everyone. Our “gaming style” skills-based system lets you rank-up in the community based on experience and skill (yes, just like Call of Duty). It rewards learning, collaboration, and innovation. Work your way to Elite. We promise you’ll find some pretty cool perks and advantages 😉

Right now, we need your help in shaping your community. We need and value your feedback. Drop us a line and tell us what you love, what you hate, and what you want to see. Tell us what you had for dinner. Tell us about your annoying boyfriend or girlfriend for all we care. We just want to hear your voice!

So, what will PiMios do? You tell us.

Let’s give the world the innovative solutions it needs. Join PiMios and get started with us today!


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